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📖 05.02.2024 | 👁 113

Crow’s feet filler: the best option for non-surgical injection therapy

Reading time: 8 min. 39 sec.

Smiling transforms the face, making it more beautiful and attractive. It also provides a workout for the facial muscles. When smiling, a person uses 5 to 54 facial muscles. But after such workouts, wrinkles appear, which have the name “crow’s feet”.

However, this is not a reason not to smile and hide your emotions. Dermal fillers from “crow’s feet” help to preserve the beauty and youthfulness of the skin, without resorting to surgery.

What are crow’s feet?

“Crow’s feet lines” are rays of fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes. These are the wrinkle lines that appear around the eyes during facial expressions. Because of the fact that they resemble the feet of crows in their appearance, they got this name. These are some of the first wrinkles that appear at a young age. At the age of 25, they are not very pronounced, but by the age of 35 they become deeper and more noticeable, and are considered the first signs of aging.

crow-feet -lines-before-after

Common causes of the appearance of “crow’s feet”

“Crows feet” appear due to mimic activity, which is present in absolutely all people. The skin under and around the eyes is especially thin and often dry due to the lack of sebaceous glands, so is fertile for the appearance of wrinkles. Dry skin cannot resist age-related changes. Therefore, in the area under the eyes wrinkles appear in the first place.

The following factors influence the premature appearance of expression lines:

  • Improper selection of cosmetic products or lack thereof;
  • photo-aging;
  • fatigue and eye strain, stressful conditions, regular sleep deprivation;
  • heredity;
  • improper nutrition, intake of insufficient amounts of vitamins and nutrients into the body;
  • bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs);
  • hormonal changes and malfunctions in the body.

During the day, our skin many times experiences various “workouts” in the form of stretching and tightening. When a person involuntarily squints, smiles, frowns, blinks, almost all facial muscles are activated. If the area around the eyes is not taken care of regularly, the skin will be depleted and wrinkles will become more and they will constantly deepen.

Factors to consider when choosing a treatment method

When choosing an eye and goosefoot treatment method, you should consult with a cosmetic doctor. Depending on the condition of the skin and the depth of wrinkles, he will choose the best method for you. Treatment with injections is very popular and has many different variations. They all have their own peculiarities, differ in the time of action and the effect on the layers of the dermis.

Let’s take a look at the most popular methods using beauty injections.

  1. Botox. Effective for expression wrinkles and hyperhidrosis. It is authorized for use from the age of 18. Doctors advise to inject it not after wrinkles have already appeared, but before, that is, in order to prevent them.
  2. PRP-therapy. Concludes in the introduction of plasma under the skin, which was obtained from the patient’s blood. It is carried out from the age of 18 in the absence of contraindications.
  3. Mesotherapy. During the procedure, the beautician injects under the skin specially prepared mesococktail with various useful substances. It may include peptides, vitamins, hyaluronic acid, polynucleotides, etc.
  4. Contour plastic surgery using crow’s feet filler. This is one of the most popular and in-demand procedures in plastic surgery clinics. Fillers based on hyaluronic acid perfectly cope even with deep expression lines. The result of the procedure is noticeable after the first session and lasts for up to 1.5 years. The procedure is carried out quickly and painlessly, and the rehabilitation period after its implementation is virtually absent. After the procedure wrinkles disappear, the skin becomes moisturized, firm and tightened, the complexion is radiant and healthy.

Cynefill Charm Classic injectable filler for the correction of crow’s feet: principle of action

The injectable monophasic filler Cynefill Charm Classic for the correction of crow’s feet is a premium product. It provides natural treatment results. The filler has a soft, homogeneous texture and has significant advantages:

  • visible results after the first application;
  • no recovery period;
  • the effect of the procedure is long-lasting;
  • safe and easy to use;
  • has a high degree of adhesion;
  • is characterized by high elasticity and elastic modulus;
  • lidocaine in the composition of the filler makes the procedure painless;
  • does not cause allergic reactions.

In the production of filler is used technology of complex cross-linking. The technology maximizes the advantages of existing monophasic and bi-fillers while maintaining a low rate of chemical modification.

CYNEFILL CHARM CLASSIC is a lightweight, cross-linked and highly elastic filler that is used to treat a variety of problems including hound’s feet. The principle of its action is based on filling certain areas and increasing the volume of tissues. The main active substance of the filler is hyaluronic acid, which is present in the body. Over the years, its amount is significantly reduced, and fillers stimulate its natural production.

When the filler is injected under the skin, moisture is retained, making the skin firmer and smoothing out crow’s feet wrinkles. In addition to hyaluronic acid, the body begins to synthesize its own collagen and elastin in the skin, which has a positive effect on the structure and relief of the dermis.

ZK MediGroup | Crow's feet filler: the best option for non-surgical injection therapy

Preparation for the procedure and its implementation

Contour plastic surgery with the help of fillers should be carried out by a cosmetologist in a medical clinic in compliance with all hygienic norms. As with any procedure, the introduction of fillers occurs in several stages.

  1. Conducting a consultation. Getting acquainted with the doctor and conducting an examination of the skin on which the manipulation will be carried out. The cosmetologist will tell about all the subtleties of the technique, select the best-suited filler and calculate the necessary amount of filler for introduction.
  2. Immediately before the procedure it is necessary to remove all decorative cosmetics. Then the doctor treats the skin with antiseptic and marks the points in which the filler will be introduced.
  3. Using thin special needles – cannulas, filler is injected into the intended points. The number of injections depends on the size of the lesion area. The duration of manipulation can vary from a few minutes to an hour.
  4. After the introduction of filler, the doctor soft massage movements distributes the drug to the necessary areas. This is necessary for a better and homogeneous distribution of the filler.
  5. After the procedure, the doctor applies antiseptic and cooling balm to reduce swelling and speed recovery.
  6. After manipulation on the skin there are traces of injections, bruising and swelling may be visible. They will pass on their own in 2-3 days. The doctor will necessarily give recommendations for further care, so that the effect of the injection was preserved for a long time.

Recovery and care after the procedure

After a session of contour plastic surgery, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the doctor. It is also necessary to avoid being in direct sunlight, for several days to refuse to visit baths, saunas, swimming pools, avoid heavy sports activities.

To prolong the result, it is recommended to use quality cosmetics for the eye area. Especially effective means that fight with crow’s feet are considered serums and creams that should be applied with light circular movements.

Sunglasses will not only make staying in the sun more comfortable, but also save you from unnecessary facial expressions, there will be no need to squint. It is recommended to apply a cream with SPF 30 in sunny weather.

Eyes need rest. Therefore, when working with a computer, do not forget every hour to break away from the monitor for 10-15 minutes and admire the view from the window or just sit for a few minutes with closed eyes. This is an excellent method of preventing crow’s feet.

Common fears and misconceptions

When deciding on cosmetic intervention in each person appear various fears and misconceptions. This happens because of familiarization with various sites that provide incorrect information. So, dispel fears and misconceptions.

Fear of becoming addicted to beauty injections

Hyaluronic acid based fillers fight various cosmetic problems. As a result, wrinkles are smoothed out, facial skin becomes smooth and firm, crow’s feet disappear and the complexion is homogeneous. Fillers have a biodegradable property. After a year and a half they are completely removed from the body. If the client has a desire to repeat the procedure, he can repeat it without the slightest risk of addiction. If there is no need to repeat the procedure, you can safely continue to live without injecting fillers.

Fear of painful sensations

Virtually all fillers in the composition of lidocaine is present. It provides painlessness of the procedure. After manipulation will be small swelling and redness, but they quickly pass and do not cause almost no discomfort. And the result, which is visible after the first procedure and intensifies after the swelling subsides, makes you forget all the unpleasant moments.

If the drug does not contain lidocaine, the doctor performs local anesthesia.

Fear of high cost

Many people still believe that beauty injections are very expensive. However, if you calculate how much it costs one trip to the beautician and compare the price with the procedure of contour plastics, you can see that injections are much cheaper. Every woman with an average income, who wants to stay attractive, can afford it.

Fear of a long refusal of the usual life

Refusal from the solarium, bath, sauna, gym extends to the time of healing of injection sites and swelling recession. This is for 2-4 days. Is it a lot, if after this reflection in the mirror will bring only positive emotions, and wrinkles and crow’s feet will disappear?

Misconception about the duration of the effect

Some women do not trust the information that the effect of fillers continues for a long time. And for nothing. Modern cosmetology does not stand still and every day there are more advanced drugs that can restore youth and beauty without surgery. Fillers contribute to the production of its own collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid by the body. Therefore, even after complete removal of the filler from the body, the effect of the procedure will remain for several months.

Consultation and advice on Cynefill fillers from ZK MediGroup

If you have any questions or need advice on the use of fillers, you can contact our consultants via the feedback on the website. They will be happy to answer all your questions promptly.